If you are searching for a recruitment partner to help you fill your vacancy, we would suggest that you use your consultants’ years in the industry as a key factor in helping you make your selection. Experienced recruiters make the best digital recruiters after all!

The years your recruitment partner has spent mastering their craft infers a very tangible level of success.  Recruitment is essentially a sales role.  This notoriously competitive and target driven industry holds no prisoners.  In short, if your recruitment partner has managed to establish and maintain a long career, then they must be doing something right.

This is true for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, most consultants work on a % fee basis, meaning that they only get paid once they have placed a successful candidate.  Secondly, most agencies will not nurture underperformers! If the numbers aren’t on the board, then sadly, their days in recruitment are numbered.  

We want to help you make the right decision when outsourcing your talent search. Read on to discover more about just why the length of your consultant’s career is so important when you are choosing a recruitment partner.

With experienced recruiters come…


Confidence in any sales role is the key to success. The years your recruitment partner has amassed will have established a secure grounding in their ability to network successfully with both candidates and clients.  On many occasions, they will have been required to influence passive candidates on their clients’ behalf.  As such they will have gained a self-confidence in their abilities and the services they are able to offer you as a client. 

You will benefit greatly from an experienced recruiters’ confidence. They have the confidence to manage your expectations and draw upon their experience to provide you with honest and accurate advice. 

Professional relationships:

An established career will have rewarded your recruitment partner with the arsenal needed to establish and maintain a strong network of professional partnerships.  Their professional network is likely to read as a “Who’s Who” of the industry. With a trusted and established network experienced recruiters are in a prime position to represent your recruitment needs.


Masters of their craft, experienced recruiters have spent years perfecting the skills required to excel in their profession.  

They will be great listeners who are able to pull out the key pieces of information from your recruitment briefTo do a great job, it’s vital that your consultant is able to draw out the most relevant points from you and your job description.  This allows them to find the most appropriate candidate with the most relevant experience needed to suit the vacancy.  Any role is easier to fill if your recruitment partner is aware of all that is required.  They will be skilled sales professionals who are then able to use this information in order to prospect your role.

In our previous blog posts, we have spoken about the importance of giving feedback at every stage of the interview process.  The years spent working alongside both candidates and clients will have allowed your recruitment partner to master this art.  You can be assured that the feedback you and your prospective employees are given will be accurate, relevant and professionally delivered


Seasoned recruiters will be used to working in a pressurised environment.  Juggling balls and chasing numbers are all familiar KPIs of target-driven performance. 

Experienced recruiters have an established methodology, one that gets results! The years your recruitment partner has amassed will have fostered a silky process, one they have perfected and got down to a fine art meaning you’re more likely to find the talent that you need.

A great representation of your employer branding

The professional reputation of a recruiter is instrumental to their success and they know it!  They understand that they represent your business. You can be safe in the knowledge that as they are prospecting your role and your organisation to those A-1 candidates, they are always offering the best representation of ‘you’ and your brand.

Less-experienced ‘fly by night’ recruiters will often charge in like a bull in a china shop, they do not have a personal brand to protect nor do they care that much about your employer brand.

The recruiter you work with is an extension of your employer brand.

Highly skilled candidate management 

Things don’t always go to plan in recruitment and as a result of years of this, an experienced recruiter will be highly adept at ‘managing the manageable’ and being aware of the ‘unmanageable’.  They will be experts at managing candidate expectations, meaning that all involved will receive a seamless journey.

Passion and specialism

Over time, it is likely that your seasoned recruiter has developed a specialist area of expertise.  They are able to be your eyes and ears in the field.  They will be able to offer industry insights, allowing you to offer a competitive salary or to inform you of the most in-demand skills of the moment.  

Their dedication will have accrued a network of professionals within a specialist area.  Among those, are nestled the cream of the crop. Passive candidates are often the best candidates and they will give you access to a strong talent pool that has been built up and nurtured over time.  

A “what next?” mentality

Your seasoned recruiter will always be thinking one step ahead, and as such will a whiz at anticipating a “what next” scenario. They will be great people readers and will be able to anticipate candidate behaviours and expectations.  For example, they will be able to spot a flaky candidate at a thousand paces and will know how to optimise their strategy. Insights into the industry will allow them to spot an opportunity, and their experience will give them the confidence (and know-how) to chase it!


In sum, the years your recruitment partner has spent in the industry is indicative of success.  In his book, “Outliers: The story of Success”, Malcolm Gladwell seizes upon the work of psychologist Anders Ericsson.  He proposes that experts in any given field are cultivated after 10,000 hours of practice and rehearsal.  

Whether you subscribe to this idea or not, it is undeniable that such longevity is beneficial.  The years your recruitment partner has spent finessing their approach would suggest a couple of things.  

Firstly, that no-one would do anything for that length of time unless they were committed and passionate about it, and secondly, that perhaps practice might make perfect!

If you are looking to outsource your recruitment efforts, we at Ignite Digital Talent are living, breathing examples of all that experienced recruitment consultants have to offer!

We are a team of dedicated, passionate, accomplished and specialised technical and digital recruiters.  Our approach is to couple longstanding experience with a transformative and progressive attitude.

We’re not all highly experienced recruiters of 15 years plus experience, but we ALL sit next to or opposite a recruiter that does! 

This marriage puts us in a unique position to best represent our clients and attract top talent. 

Get in touch to take advantage of all we have to offer.   We look forward to hearing from you today!

About the author: As a founder of Ignite Digital Talent, I lead our brilliant team to ensure we deliver time and time again for our clients. I also stay closely networked with industry influencers to ensure we are well placed to understand the issues and challenges our clients face.

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