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8 ways to tell if you have nailed your job interview.

If there’s one thing that all job seekers hate, it’s playing the waiting game.

Whether that’s waiting for feedback on your CV, a decision after an interview, or even to start your new dream job, minutes feel like hours, and hours can feel like days!

Perhaps most agonising though, is the period after your job interview. Waiting to hear the outcome from the hiring manager or your recruiter is painful, especially if you really want (or need) a fresh challenge!

However, there are some signs you can look for that give you a hint of how your job interview has gone. Try looking out for some of these cues to make the coming days a little bit easier!

How can I tell if my job interview has gone well?

“When”, not “If”.

Interviewers are skilled at being guarded in job interviews. They tend to talk in general terms using phrases like “the person in the position” or “if you were to be offered the job, you would….”.

One way to tell if you are in contention is if they slip up and start being more definite in their word choices.  For example, you may hear statements like ‘this is where you’ll be working,’ or “on your first day, our office manager will begin your induction and training”.

Verbal slip-ups will give you an idea if your interviewer is envisioning offering you the job.

Look at the body language.

Positive body language can be a giveaway that your interviewer likes you and is eager to make you feel comfortable.

Look for head nodding, foot movements, and encouraging or agreeable verbal prompts. These are good signs that they’re enjoying your conversation.

The conversation moves away from “work”.

In the main, it’s a given that your interview will be all business. That’s why you’re there after all! However, if at points it veers toward more casual conversation that’s a good sign.

This indicates that they are satisfied you can perform the job and that they don’t need further proof of your skills and experience levels. It is also a heavy indication that they like you and have a genuine interest in getting to know you.

They introduce you to the team.

During in-person interviews, especially in the latter stages of the process, it’s not unusual for your interviewer to introduce you to key members of the team.

As a rule, the more people you are introduced to, the better.  This is a solid indicator that you are liked and that your interviewer is eager to introduce you to as many of your potential colleagues as possible.

You are told about the perks.

The perks of a job are often used to nail down the acceptance of a candidate. They are brought out to impress and entice. They are a sales pitch designed to compete with other organisations and ensure an offer accept from candidates just like you!

If your interviewer starts selling the company to you in this way, it’s a definite sign that you’ve made a great impression.

The interview goes over schedule.

If your interview runs over time this could also be a good sign you’ve impressed. However, be careful to read between the lines.

If you have gone over time and your interviewer is asking you the same questions, it’s likely you’ve missed the mark and they’re looking for something more.  If you require clarity, don’t be afraid to ask them to rephrase the question. This may help you get a better idea of what they are looking for.

However, if your interviewer is moving into new territories and the discussion turns to different topics, this is a good sign they are enjoying what you have to offer.

Next Steps.

Some ‘next steps’ conversations are easier to read than others. If your interviewer closes with “We’ll reach out next week to talk about an offer”, then you’re home and dry!

Some next steps conversations are harder to interpret. Luckily, there are clues to make it easier!

Language is key, and some phrases are more encouraging than others.  “we’ll get back to you” is less positive than “we’ll be in touch soon”, for example.

You get an immediate follow-up response.

Many candidates send their interviewer a thank you email after their job interview.

It would be nice to think that the interviewer would reply to each one, but the reality is that they don’t. They are even less likely to respond to definite “no” candidates.

So, if you do get a reply that’s both positive and sincere, that’s normally a sign that you’ve made a great impression.

Looking for more?

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