Ignite Digital Talent

4 ways to be new job ready.

Whether you are actively looking for a new job or not, it’s important to always be ready to consider a new opportunity if your dream job presents itself.

Here are 4 ways you can make sure you are ready to apply and compete for a new job.

Be New Job ready.

Set up notification alerts.

Alerts from the job boards are your eyes and ears in the market.  Set your alerts to ON and you can be assured that somewhere in the background the market is being monitored for your dream role. If you are looking for a new job this will save you masses of time and energy. If you aren’t, you’ll be assured that you’ll be made aware when you are.

Often, we never know we’re looking until that dream job presents itself. By setting your search terms and notifications to on, you’ll always stay in the know.

Always be learning.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a habit we should all get into. This is one of the most effective ways we can make sure we are new job ready. Developing new skills is a way to make sure you are always challenged and keep abreast of the changes to tools, technologies, or theories within your sector. You may also discover a new love, passion, or skill you never knew you had that could take your career in a whole new direction.

You may be lucky and work for an organisation that prioritises your CPD. But if you don’t, there are many free and affordable options open to you. YouTube, Udemy, and Coursera, for example.

Keep a log of your successes.

Data is a key commodity, and this is as true to your career as anything else. Keep a log or diary of all your ‘at work’ wins. You should be documenting your key accomplishments and what you learned from the experience. This learning take-away may be about yourself or the process itself. Do this on a regular basis and you’ll have a bank of data to present at your next interview or on your CV.

Keep your CV up to date.

This point follows up on the last tip. Try to always keep your CV up to date. Don’t wait until you see your dream job with a closing date of ‘tomorrow’ to update your CV.  It’s boring but update your CV regularly and certainly every time you change jobs.  This way it’ll be packed with all your achievements to date and have an accurate job history.

While you’re there make sure all your contact details are accurate. If you have been out of the jobs market for a while, your ‘contact’ section may be out of date. Your phone number, location, and email address should be considered here.

Are you looking for a new tech, digital, or data job? We can help.

Reach out today, or head over to our job boards to browse all our open jobs.